# GPT Ranking Challenge

We have a 1000 conversations, but we want to find the 10 most interesting ones for the user to read. We can show GPT *4* conversations at a time and GPT will rank those relative to each other.
Now we need to find an algorithm to find the top 10 conversations with as few GPT calls as possible.

## Leaderboard

║ Name │ Score │ ║
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║ Loading... │ │ ║
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## How it works

In this challenge, we simulate the GPT call with an API endpoint. We make the following assumptions:

- Ground Truth Ranking: Each conversation c_i has an underlying, hidden rank rank(c_i)

- GPT's Accuracy: For some pairs (a, b) with rank(a) < rank(b), GPT is wrong and thinks that b < a.
GPT is more likely to mix up the order of conversations that are close in rank and less likely to do so for conversations that are far apart in rank. We model this using a logistic function:
P(a < b) = 1 / (1 + e^((rank(a) - rank(b))/3)
where P(a < b) is the probability that GPT ranks conversation a before conversation b.
Eg. for sequential ranks r_0, ..., r_30:
P(r_0 < r_1) = 58%
P(r_0 < r_2) = 66%
P(r_0 < r_3) = 73%
P(r_0 < r_5) = 84%
P(r_0 < r_10) = 97%
Note that the GPT calls for a fixed pair are deterministic.

1. Create a new game:

You can choose n with 4 < n < 1000 but you will only be eligible for the leaderboard if you choose n=1000.
name will be displayed on the leaderboard.

{ "gameId": "2b7175d8-73ce-46f9-8a93-7970faf6ca64"}

2. Get a partial ranking:

This will be a noisy ordering of the conversations as described above. The elments are ordered from most interesting (lowest index) to least interesting (highest index).

{ "sortedIds": [13, 9, 0, 99] }

3. Submit top 10:

Once you think you know the top 10, you can submit them. Note that you only have one try per game. Your submission will be considered correct if all of your 10 conversations rank within the top 15 according to the true order.
To avoid lucky submissions, you name will only appear on the leaderboard if you have 3 correct solution for n=1000 in a row.

{ "correct": true, "score": 83, "top15": [4,2,11,32,12,0,62,85,3,8,1,5,55,33,45] }
A Merlin challenge.